
Newsletter: Pentecost Sunday

Today we are celebrating the Confirmation of five teenagers of our Parish. Please pray for them; Elena Signorini, Grace Phelan, Jessica Roy, Katie Carroll, and Sofia Avdia.

The 10.30 am Sunday Mass can be accessed here.

Click the links below to download the Page, Mass sheet, Mass readings and the Look colour in sheet for the children.

Caroline Estorninho

Sunday May 23rd: Pentecost

This Sunday, five of our young people will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation during the 10:30 am Mass. Several pews have been reserved for their families and guests, so other available seating is less than normal.

It is essential that anyone wishing to attend the 10:30am Mass books a place in advance. During the building works there is no access to overflow seating in the hall. If the Mass is fully booked and you arrive without having reserved a place, we will have to turn you away. Should this be the case please respect the instruction of the stewards; they are volunteers and are only following church and government guidelines to keep everyone, including you, safe.

Please consider coming to an alternative Mass, such as the evening Mass at 6:30pm on Saturday and Sunday or the 8:30 am Mass. These Masses are less busy and there is no need to book.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Caroline Estorninho

Important note during church building works (10th May - 3rd September)

During the building works there is a reduced capacity in the church as we do not have access to the hall for overflow seating. It is essential therefore if you would like to attend the 10.30 am Mass on Sundays that you book in advance. If you arrive without having reserved a place and there is no additional capacity, we will have to turn you away. Should this be the case please respect the instruction of the stewards; they are volunteers and are only following church and government guidelines to keep everyone, including you, safe.

The button to book for the 10.30am Mass can be found on the homepage of the website. We have also included the link to the booking site at the bottom of this email.

Alternatively, please consider coming to one of the other Masses, such as the 6.30 pm Masses on Saturday and Sunday evenings, which are less busy and there is no need to book. 

Thank you for your patience and understanding. 

Caroline Estorninho