Newsletter: 5th Sunday of Easter (B)
Dear Parishioners,
I write to impart the good news that the building work to refurbish the Hall, lavatories and basement has been given permission to proceed by the Finance Office of the Diocese. The builders will begin on Monday 10th May and with a fair wind conclude on Friday 3rd September.
During this period the Hall, lavatories and basement will be out of action and inaccessible. Facilities will be provided on the Presbytery ground floor for the duration. The carpark will also be partially occupied and therefore weekday parking will be difficult and Sunday parking restricted. My hope is that these temporary inconveniences will be outweighed by the emergence of a restored hall, enlarged kitchen and better facilities. Please may I ask for your patience during this period.
This is also the moment to thank once again all those who have contributed to the building fund which has reached nearly £130,000 donated and pledged. The financing of the project is divided into the three parts, the fundraising campaign, part of the cash balance in the bank and a loan from the Diocese of £125,000 payable over seven years. The loan will be paid back through additional Hall rentals and regular donations from the existing building fund.
The last year has been difficult for everyone, the transmissibility of coronavirus and the consequent need for periodic lockdowns has had serious implications for every person, every family and every parish. Our building project shows a commitment to the future which is the hands of God’s providence. Here at St Margaret’s about 50% of the congregation has returned to the Church in person with another 25% watching online every Sunday. This equates, though, to the loss of about 100 formerly regular parishioners. However, there is good news story, the Parish will be hosting the second new parishioner party of lockdown, so the green shoots of renewal are already present.
It will take many years to discern the full effect the long months of lockdown has had on the Church, and this parish in particular. One immediate consequence for the Church is that the normal patterns of behaviour with regard to Mass practice, along with much else, is largely over. Now a more positive engagement can emerge, of willingly opting in, rather than in waiting to opt out. This simple change of mindset has far-reaching spirit-filled consequences.
Our collective missionary effort is to communicate the joy of knowing Jesus Christ and being part of His community, the Church, made visible here in St Margarets.
May I wish you and your families every blessing.
Fr Peter