
Newsletter: 2nd Sunday of Lent C

Celebration for Father Peter
Congratulations to Fr Peter on the 35th anniversary of his Priestly Ministry, spreading God’s love and grace.

We will be celebrating with cake after the 10.30 Mass today. Please come and join us if you can.

To watch the live-stream for Mass at 10.30 am please click here.

To download a copy of this week’s Page please click on the button below.

Caroline Estorninho

Newsletter: 1st Sunday of Lent C

Stations of the Cross followed by reflections on the seven last words of Christ
Join us on Fridays in Lent from 7.30 pm for Stations of the Cross. Each Friday we will also reflect on one of the Seven Last Words of Christ while the relic of the True Cross is exposed. The reflections, written by Josemaria Escriva, invite us to recall and meditate on Jesus’ last words as he hung on the cross.

Lenten Faith Formation
Father Peter will lead a study group looking at Eirk Varden’s book, “Healing Wounds” – Wednesdays at 7.00 pm from 12th March 2025.

Lenten Activities for the family
Celebrate’s Lent Family Activity Pack includes interactive activities, ways to encourage your family in prayer, books to savour and films that both entertain and can promote conversation in faith during this season.

Online family activity packs

To watch the live-stream for Mass at 10.30 am please click here.

To download a copy of this week’s Page please click on the button below.

Caroline Estorninho