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Mass Readings

Click the button below for daily Mass readings.

Parish Rosary

We meditate the mysteries of the Holy Rosary in the Church on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday at 9.30am.

All are welcome to join.

Perfect Contrition and Spiritual Communion

If you are sick or unable to go out to go to church for Confession or receive Holy Communion, there are still things you can do at home to receive absolution for your sins and Spiritual Communion. Please click the button below to read more.

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The Mustard Seed

The Mustard Seed is a monthly charismatic prayer meeting based at St Margaret's Church with members from across West London and beyond. Offering lively praise and worship, excellent teaching, and prayer ministry with social time. They aim to provide an event where participants can be encouraged in their faith journey and enabled to live a fully Christian life in the power of the Holy Spirit. They ask for a donation to cover costs and any excess is given to the charity, GETA.

Everyone is very welcome. For more information, contact them.

Mothers Prayers

They are a group of Mothers who meet to to pray for their children, as well as for those children and parents throughout the world who are persecuted for their faith. Meetings last about an hour and occasionally go for a coffee afterwards time allowing.

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