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 Our Parish Team


Canon Peter Newby

Parish Priest

“Our task, like that of St Margaret, goes beyond the minimum. Like our patron we should allow the practice of faith to develop a deeper charitable vocation towards others, both to those in obvious need and to sustain our parish as a ‘cell of good living’, a living microcosm that reflect something of the beauty of the kingdom of heaven to which we are all called.“

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Deacon Joseph Estorninho

Parish Deacon

Cynthia Souza

Parish Administrator

Vicky Phelan

Secretary of the Parish Pastoral Council

Position open


Kathryn James

Love Your Parish / Social Life

Teresa Smith

Safeguarding officer

Audrey Lematte

Parish Outreach

Eustace Furtado

Care of the Property

Gavin Evenhuis, Allison Drew


Ann Edes

Parish Bookkeeper