We are only able to do the work we do with the generosity of our community and their enthusiasm to serve. If you are interested in helping out in any small way, please let know below!

Offertory Giving
Our Parish, Our Needs, Our Responsibility - Stewardship
“Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God love a cheerful give” – 2 Corinthians 9:7
As a parish and as individuals, we have been blessed with many gifts, above all our gifts of time, talent and financial blessings. These gifts come from God, and as stewards of these gifts, we are challenged to use them responsibly. Like any good thing, we should share our gifts, and through this act of sharing, our gifts will grow into something even better.
Giving by standing order is the best way to give to the parish as it gives more certainty, putting our future finances on a strong footing, providing our parish a steady, predictable income that allows us to plan ahead with confidence.
Every contribution you make is valuable. We thank you for all that you do for our parish. Without your continued support, this wonderful, living church would not be able to be the spiritual centre and outreach to others in need that it is today.
Thank you for your generosity.
Gift Aid
Gift Aid allows the parish to claim back a further 25p for every £1 donated. So if you donate £10 then HMRC increases the value of your donation by £2.50. Last year, we received more than £18,000 from HMRC which was much needed additional income. If you pay UK tax, either on income or capital gains, please consider signing a Gift Aid declaration. Thank you
If you already give but haven’t yet completed a gift aid form, please complete sections 1 -4 of the standing order form (the left hand side) and return to the parish office.
Parish Development Fund
We celebrated the 50th Anniversary of the building of our Church in 2019. To mark this occasion, we embarked on a project to renew and improve the church complex and facilities to enable us to meet the needs of the parish and the wider community for this and generations to come.
Building works were delayed due to the COVID pandemic, but were completed in October 2021. Pledges from generous parishioners covered some of the cost, with the balance being funded by a loan from the Diocese, which is now being repaid. Contributions to help repay the loan are especially welcome. A standing order form and gift aid declaration can be downloaded by clicking the button below. Please complete and return to the parish office.