Baptism is the sacrament of initiation into the Catholic church and to seek to be baptised is to accept Jesus Christ as your Saviour and the Catholic church which he established.
To seek to have your child baptised demonstrates your desire to share the joy of faith with your child.
Please see below the procedure for having your child baptised at St Margaret’s:
1) Regular participation in Sunday Mass.
2) Meet with Fr Peter after Mass.
3) Attend baptism preparation course.
4) Arrange baptism date through the parish office.
First Holy Communion
Preparing your children for First Communion and First Reconciliation is a privileged period for every family and will help shape your child’s faith for the years ahead. The course at St Margaret’s requires regular attendance at Mass and the completion of an application form. The 2024/25 course is now underway and new applications have now closed for the year.
If you would like your child to participate in this programme please speak to Fr. Peter after a Sunday Mass.
Children preparing for their First Holy Communion are also prepared for their First Confession which they make prior to their First Holy Communion.
Confession is available regularly in our church, Please see our Mass Times page for details.

Our Confirmation course preparing teenagers to receive the Sacrament begins with an icebreaker session in January each year. The programme runs weekly with sessions through to the middle of April. The confirmation date depends on availability of the Bishop and will be confirmed to parents at the start of the programme.
For the duration of the programme, confirmation candidates will be expected to attend 10:30 am Mass on Sunday at which they will serve the community as
Altar servers;
Taking the collection;
They will also be expected to attend the Reconciliation Service during Lent.
If your young person is interested in being confirmed, please speak to Father Peter after Mass or contact the parish office for further details.
Adults Reception into the Catholic Faith
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) welcomes non-Catholics who are interested in the faith or Catholics wishing to deepen their faith.
Meetings take place over a period of weeks each year by the end of which, those who want to be received into the Catholic Church, do so at the Easter Vigil, receiving Baptism, First Holy Communion and Confirmation

Getting married at St Margaret’s
Those wishing to get married at St Margaret’s are invited to review our guide below before making an enquiry.
Marriage Preparation Course
The preparation for marriage course takes place over one day and runs at either St Margaret’s or The London Oratory, Brompton Road.

Anointing of the Sick
This Sacrament is reserved for those whose health is in a critical state.
Should anyone require this Sacrament, please call the Parish directly.
Please also contact us should you or someone you know, require hospital visits, home visits or regular Communion for the house-bound.
Please contact us to arrange a funeral.