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Coffee Mornings

Join us on Sundays after the 10:30 Mass for a coffee and a chat.

Men’s Breakfast

Come and enjoy a hot cooked breakfast! Its a great opportunity to chat and share time with like-minded chaps. Saturday mornings, once a term, contact us for the next date.

Baby and Toddler Group

We hold a playgroup every Thursday from 10.00-11.45 am in the church hall. Babies, toddlers, pre-schoolers, parents, guardians and childminders are welcome. It is £3 per family for the session.

Come along to play, make friends and for story, singing and snack time. We would love for you to join us.

Tea and Chat

Enjoy warmth and good company at the ‘Tea and Chat’ afternoons we hold every second Wednesday from 1.45-3.15 pm. All are welcome.

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