
Dear Parishioners,

May I write to express my thanks on the Parish's behalf to all those who helped at the Holy Week Liturgies. Over the three days six hundred people attended services, one hundred each on Holy Thursday and Good Friday and four hundred over Easter. Luckily the size of St Margaret’s allows for a 100 under current regulations. Thank you to Deacon Joseph, Keith as altar server for allowing for a dignified celebration of the Liturgies and proclamation of the Word. Alison arranged the flowers and though the Altar of Repose was necessarily diminished this years, the aroma of the Easter flowers still fills the sanctuary.

The professionalism of the welcome and cleaning team meant that everyone could participate safely at the Church. Over the last year the welcome team has been a very positive development and the many new parishioners who have started coming to St Margaret's have commented on the friendly atmosphere in the Church. Our welcome extends beyond the physical presence at the front door and onto the internet. Caroline Estorninho's dedication to live streaming the Holy Week services despite the unforeseen technical difficulties over picture and sound has allowed those unable to attend to person to still remain part of the living Parish. I am sure that I speak for all of us in thanking Caroline for her work in the weekly livestreaming of Sunday Mass and of weekday Masses as well. My hope is that our welcome and our livestreaming will continue long after the pandemic is finally over.

Grateful thanks must also be offered to Emma and the musicians and singers who provided the music for the Holy Week services. The choir benches were large enough to enable social distancing between musicians and singers so multiple musical arrangements were possible. I am sure that everyone who attended or who participated online are grateful for their contribution to the services.

The miracles of Zoom have allowed the children's liturgy to flourish in ways not possible beforehand. Now over 40 children participate every two weeks in their own half-hour liturgy led by one of the catechists that takes place before the 10.30am Mass. Materials are prepared beforehand for each half-term and distributed to parents beforehand.

Covid regulations has necessarily included the isolation of the vulnerable for medical reasons but the Parish has tried not to forget them, and over Lent a DIY Ash Wednesday pack was distributed, a Palm Cross and Easter card prepared by the children of the parish. This would not have been possible without, as one parishioner described the assistance of the Parish elves. Thank you to them who cycled, drove and walked around the parish and beyond.

Each year the Parish undertakes a collective act of fundraising for a chosen charity and this year the parishioners chose the Richmond Furniture scheme, a programme for helping the homeless as they move into accommodation. The Easter Garden competition draw a number of entries and I was asked to judge, making a friend for life and disenchantment from the others! 

Finally, on a lighter note this Friday sees the return of the Parish Pub Quiz with questions not set by myself, so no difficult questions on the Bible or obscure questions on 1970s rock music! Login details on the Parish website.

May I wish you all a very blessed Eastertide and roll on the unlocking of the nation!

With good wishes
Fr Peter

Caroline Estorninho

Newsletter: Palm Sunday (B)

Stations of the Cross
Deacon Joseph Estorninho will be leading Stations of the Cross in the church at 10.00am on Good Friday.

Holy Week
Please remember to book for Mass during Holy week with the exception of the Weekday Mass Monday to Wednesday. We will also be streaming all the Masses and Good Friday service.

The 10.30 am Sunday Mass can be accessed here..

Click the links below to download the Page, Mass sheet, Mass readings and the Look colour in sheet for the children.

Caroline Estorninho