Cardinal Vincent has requested all parishes assist him in making a collective response to the first offering from the meeting of Bishops and lay-people that took place last October in Rome.
What was it all about? The meeting began with listening with an open heart to what is happening now in the Church throughout the world, both good and bad. The delegates proposed a vista for the future direction of the Church, not in changing the teaching but updating the tone to suit contemporary conditions. Maintaining strongly held beliefs that cannot be communicated will not advance the Church’s mission.
The Synod offered ways of communicating the same truths that recognised the fragmentary nature of most people’s experience. This is definitely a challenge! This remains a challenge to me because I have always accepted the intellectual coherence of faith, the active relationship between faith and reason, and the richness of catholic culture. Pope Francis is asking us not to be nostalgic for the past, and by implication thinking that Christianity has run its course, but this crisis is the beginning of a new era.
In the spirit of the second rather than the first sentiment, and wishing to assist Cardinal Vincent and our parish, I am suggesting we consider the four questions sent to each parish to discuss:
Question 1: How do we witness as a Parish and proclaim our faith to: those who have not heard of Christ; those who have ceased walking with Christ; those with whom we worship Christ (those who go to Church)?
Question 2: How do we organise ourselves as a Parish to do this more effectively?
Question 3: What concrete opportunities would help us begin to witness and proclaim our faith more effectively?
Question 4: What structures may need to change? How might we need to develop the way we are organised currently?
For anyone wishing to be involved and offer any contribution there are two meetings with Father Peter at which to do so - 23rd February at 6.00 pm and 3rd March at 11.30 am.