Our parish will be hosting an occasional simple Sunday lunch for people who may or may not be homeless, but are in need of a healthy home cooked meal and some company.
We will be on a rota with other Richmond churches and may be catering for up to 25 guests each time.
We need people to help with any of the following tasks:
Making a veg soup
Cooking a main meal (eg shepherds pie, pasta bake, lasagne (meat plus veg option)
Making a desert
Welcome and chat
Clear and wash up
Food may be prepared off site and guidance will be given as needed.
Please join our online signup sheet volunteersignup.org/PPBQT for any of the dates, or sign the sheet at the back of the church and we will be in touch.
If you have any questions please contact Cath on 07754893846 or email - Cathmcdee@yahoo.com
Thank you for your support
Cath Brizzell
(on behalf of Fr Peter and The Parish Pastoral Council)