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Men's Breakfast

On the back of the success of our first virtual meeting in early May, we have scheduled another Men’s Breakfast for June.

This time we will joined by Sir Vincent Fean who will give a talk on the plight of Christians in the Holy Land, specifically in Bethlehem and in Gaza. He will be promoting support for the charity Friends of the Holy Land, which has Cardinal Vincent and Archbishop Justin as patrons.

Vincent has worked in the Diplomatic Service for over 40 years.  As Consul-General, Jerusalem, his job was to explain UK Government policy to President Abbas’ team in Ramallah, and to report to London on Palestinian politics and the impact of the Israeli Occupation since 1967 of East Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza. 

He was also High Commissioner to Malta. He lives in Whitton and is a regular attendee of our breakfasts.

We do hope you can join us.

To join the meeting please register your interest by clicking on the button below and completing the form. You will then receive a link to join the meeting.

Earlier Event: May 22
Parish Pub Quiz
Later Event: June 12
Parish Pub Quiz