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Proposed Charity for Lenten Alms; Lent 2021

This year, St Margaret’s parish will support one charity as beneficiary of parishioners Lenten alms-giving. Presentations will be made at all Masses on Sunday 14th February and recordings are also available to view by clicking on the link below..

The three charities being considered are:

  • GETA – Give Education to All – extension of girl’s dormitory and addition of teacher’s accommodation at St Theresa’s Primary School, Kibaale, Uganda

  • Practical Action – Nepal Climate Resilience – working with farmers to turn the tables on climate change in Nepal

  • Richmond Furniture Scheme – project to provide starter pack of essential home items for those being re-housed or moving into accommodation for the first time

Voting can be done either

  • in person - if you are attending Mass on Sunday 14th

  • online - click on the link below to open the voting form

  • by phone - call the parish office on 020 8892 3902 on Monday 15th or Tuesday 16th and leave a message

All adult parishioners and teenager of Confirmation age or over are invited to vote. Please only vote once. Closing date for voting is Tuesday 16th February at 10:00pm.

Earlier Event: February 12
Parish Pub Quiz