
Newsletter: Christ The King

Right to Life
You may have already sent a letter to your MP regarding the Bill to legalise assisted suicide. However, we ask you write to them again using the link below as this Bill is being rushed through Parliament. It was only published at 10pm on 11 November, giving MPs and the public barely two and half weeks to scrutinise the Bill before it goes to a vote.

It’s vital that MPs hear from us now, showing that there are many who oppose this extreme and harmful change from being rushed into law - a change that would put countless vulnerable lives at risk. You can help stop this from happening by contacting your MP now using this simple tool: https://righttolife.org.uk/9ly2  I

To watch the live-stream for Mass at 10.30 am please click here.

To download a copy of The Page, please click on the button below.

Caroline Estorninho

Newsletter: 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time B

Right to Life
You may have already sent a letter to your MP regarding the Bill to legalise assisted suicide. However, we ask you write to them again using the link below as this Bill is being rushed through Parliament. It was only published at 10pm on 11 November, giving MPs and the public barely two and half weeks to scrutinise the Bill before it goes to a vote.

It’s vital that MPs hear from us now, showing that there are many who oppose this extreme and harmful change from being rushed into law - a change that would put countless vulnerable lives at risk. You can help stop this from happening by contacting your MP now using this simple tool: https://righttolife.org.uk/9ly2  I

To watch the live-stream for Mass at 10.30 am please click here.

To download a copy of The Page, please click on the button below.

Caroline Estorninho

Newsletter: 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time B

Wed 13th November: Holy Hour - 7.00 – 8.00 pm
Cardinal Vincent Nichols calls for Catholics to pray to uphold the dignity of human life.

In light of the bill passing through parliament that seeks to legalise assisted suicide, the Cardinal has called for Catholics to pray to uphold the dignity of human life, especially on Wednesday 13th November. At St Margaret’s we will hold an additional Holy Hour from 7 –8 pm on Wednesday 13th immediately following the evening Mass. Please consider coming to pray, even if only for a little while.

Right to Life
You may have heard that MPs will vote before Christmas on an extreme Bill that, if successful, will legalise assisted suicide. This Bill is the most serious threat to vulnerable lives since the Abortion Act was introduced in 1967. It’s now crucial that all MPs and the Government urgently see that there is a large number of voters in each constituency who don’t want this dangerous and extreme change to our laws - changes that would put the vulnerable at risk and see the ending of many lives through assisted suicide.

You can make a difference right now by contacting your MP to ask them to stop assisted suicide from being rushed into law. It only takes 30 seconds using our easy-to-use tool: https://righttolife.org.uk/9ly2

Saturday 16th November: Feast of St Margaret
4pm: Holy Hour with Adoration & opportunities for reconciliation with Fr Maurice O’Mahony CSsR

5pm: Talk from Fr Maurice (Redemptorist Community)  on "St Margaret of Scotland: The Heart of the Laity"

6pm: Refreshments in the Hall - tea, coffee & open bar

To watch the live-stream for Mass at 10.30 am please click here.

To download a copy of The Page, please click on the button below.

Caroline Estorninho

Newsletter: 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time B

We are holding several events on the weekend of the 15th, 16th and 17th November in celebration of our patron saint St Margaret of Scotland.

All are welcome and we hope to see as many parishioners there as possible.

Right to Life
You may have heard that MPs will vote before Christmas on an extreme Bill that, if successful, will legalise assisted suicide. This Bill is the most serious threat to vulnerable lives since the Abortion Act was introduced in 1967. It’s now crucial that all MPs and the Government urgently see that there is a large number of voters in each constituency who don’t want this dangerous and extreme change to our laws - changes that would put the vulnerable at risk and see the ending of many lives through assisted suicide.

You can make a difference right now by contacting your MP to ask them to stop assisted suicide from being rushed into law. It only takes 30 seconds using our easy-to-use tool: https://righttolife.org.uk/9ly2

To watch the live-stream for Mass at 10.30 am please click here.

To download a copy of The Page, please click on the button below.

Caroline Estorninho