
Newsletter: 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time B

The parish office will be open on a reduced schedule in June, July and August, with times subject to change. If you are planning to visit in person please phone ahead.

Thank you to the team of volunteers who are assisting with administrative tasks for the time being

To download a copy of the Page, please click the button below.

To watch the live-stream for Mass at 10.30 am please click here.

Caroline Estorninho

Newsletter: The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ B

Weekday Masses
A reminder that the Mass timetable starting from tomorrow will be as follows:

Monday 10.00am
Tuesday 7:30am
Wednesday 6:30pm (Mass also at 10:00am on 3rd Wednesday)
Thursday 10.00am (Eucharistic Service)
Friday 10:00am
Saturday 10:00am (with exposition and confessions afterwards)

To download a copy of the Page, please click the button below.

To watch the live-stream for Mass at 10.30 am please click here.

Caroline Estorninho

Newsletter: The Most Holy Trinity B

Weekday Masses
A reminder that the Mass timetable starting from Monday June 3rd will be as follows:

Monday 10.00am
Tuesday 7:30am
Wednesday 6:30pm (Mass also at 10:00am on 3rd Wednesday)
Thursday 10.00am (Eucharistic Service)
Friday 10:00am
Saturday 10:00am (with exposition and confessions afterwards)

To download a copy of the Page, please click the button below.

To watch the live-stream for Mass at 10.30 am please click here.

Caroline Estorninho

Newsletter: Pentecost B

Weekday Masses
Over the last few years the numbers attending Weekday Mass has dwindled to many times below 10. This might therefore be an opportune moment to review the weekday time table.

A note was put in the newsletter which elicited no response. Later two weekday Mass goers were broadly in agreement with the proposed changes so I am going to start a three-month experimental period of the following weekday Mass timetable starting Monday June 3rd.

Monday 10.00am
Tuesday 7:30am
Wednesday 6:30pm (Mass also at 10:00am on 3rd Wednesday)
Thursday 10.00am (Eucharistic Service)
Friday 10:00am
Saturday 10:00am (with exposition and confessions afterwards)

I will review the timetable at the end of the summer. 
Fr Peter

To Download a copy of the Page, please click the button below.

To watch the live-stream for Mass at 10.30 am please click here.

Caroline Estorninho