
Newsletter: Pentecost B

Weekday Masses
Over the last few years the numbers attending Weekday Mass has dwindled to many times below 10. This might therefore be an opportune moment to review the weekday time table.

A note was put in the newsletter which elicited no response. Later two weekday Mass goers were broadly in agreement with the proposed changes so I am going to start a three-month experimental period of the following weekday Mass timetable starting Monday June 3rd.

Monday 10.00am
Tuesday 7:30am
Wednesday 6:30pm (Mass also at 10:00am on 3rd Wednesday)
Thursday 10.00am (Eucharistic Service)
Friday 10:00am
Saturday 10:00am (with exposition and confessions afterwards)

I will review the timetable at the end of the summer. 
Fr Peter

To Download a copy of the Page, please click the button below.

To watch the live-stream for Mass at 10.30 am please click here.

Caroline Estorninho

Newsletter: 7th Sunday of Easter B

Weekday Masses
Over the last few years the numbers attending Weekday Mass has dwindled to many times below 10. This might therefore be an opportune moment to review the weekday time table.

A note was put in the newsletter which elicited no response. Later two weekday Mass goers were broadly in agreement with the proposed changes so I am going to start a three-month experimental period of the following weekday Mass timetable starting Monday June 3rd.

Monday 10.00am
Tuesday 7:30am
Wednesday 6:30pm (Mass also at 10:00am on 3rd Wednesday)
Thursday 10.00am (Eucharistic Service)
Friday 10:00am
Saturday 10:00am (with exposition and confessions afterwards)

I will review the timetable at the end of the summer. 
Fr Peter

To Download a copy of the Page, please click the button below.

To watch the live-stream for Mass at 10.30 am please click here.

Caroline Estorninho

Newsletter: 6th Sunday of Easter B

Please note the following changes to Mass times this week

Mass on Monday 6th May is at 12.00 noon as it is a bank holiday.

Mass on Thursday 9th May, Solemnity of the Ascension of our Lord is at 9.00 am, 10:15 am and 6.30 pm.

To Download a copy of the Page, please click the button below.

To watch the live-stream for Mass at 10.30 am please click here.

Caroline Estorninho

Newsletter: 5th Sunday of Easter B

Weekday Mass times

Over the last year I have been thinking about the weekday Mass schedule. Since the end of Covid the numbers for weekday Mass have not recovered in the way they have for Sunday. This has made me question whether 10:00am is still the appropriate time and whether one evening Mass and one early morning Mass might be substituted for the 10:00am. At the moment I am thinking of early morning Tuesday and early evening Wednesday (with a 10.00am monthly Mass when Fr Paul comes to say Mass). This would allow me to say a weekly Mass at St Richard Reynolds in the early morning on Wednesdays. In recent years I have been saying three Wednesday Masses all before lunchtime which is just too much over the long term.

If you any views please let me know especially if these different Mass times might be beneficial to your current weekly timetable.
Thank you
Fr Peter

To Download a copy of the Page, please click the button below.

To watch the live-stream for Mass at 10.30 am please click here.

Caroline Estorninho