
Newsletter: 6th Sunday of Ordinary Time B

A full version of Sunday’s Page is now available for download. Click on the button at the bottom of this email to download your copy. We apologise for the delay in getting this to you.

A note about Pope Francis’s call and invitation for all the baptised to be involved in the Synodal Process.

Please reflect on the questions below and let the parish office know the date that you would like to join the discussion. 

Q1: How do we witness as a Parish and proclaim our faith to;

  • those who have never heard of Christ;

  • those who have ceased walking with Christ;

  • those with whom we already worship Christ (those who go to church)?

Q.2: How should we organise ourselves as a Parish to do this more effectively?

Having discussed these two questions, a further two are asked;

Q.3 What steps or formation opportunities would help us begin to witness and proclaim our faith more effectively?

Q.4 What structures may need to change? How might we need to develop the way we are organised currently?

When presented with questions of this type, the temptation is to see them as self-justifying, validating what already takes place, (the priest and community temptation), or as a battering ram to complain, (diocesan administrators, well-paid professional evangelisation Catholics and journalists). This will not be our approach. Every parish is a patchwork of activity, prophetic parts, good functional parts, untended parts and holes too. Taking the Synod’s image of weaving a web of solidarity sometimes requires rethreading to preserve what is precious, the continued life of the parish.

There will be two opportunities to discuss these questions, one on 23rd February at 6:00pm, or 3rd March after the 10:30am Mass. Both meetings will be held in the Church.

And finally, to watch the live-stream for Ash Wednesday this evening at 7.00 pm please click here.

Caroline Estorninho

Newsletter: 6th Sunday of Ordinary Time B

Download a copy of The Page by clicking on the button below. We apologise that Father Peter’s message is missing; we will send out a copy with this included on Monday morning

To watch the live-stream for Sunday Mass at 10.30 am please click here.

Caroline Estorninho