Newsletter: 2nd Sunday of Lent (A)
There is no Page this week, however please note the following reminders:
Mass schedule for week commencing 6th March
Monday, Tuesday and Friday - 10.00 am
Saturday - 11.00 am - First Holy Communion children receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation
Sunday - 8.30 am, 10.30 am and 6.30 pm
Please note there will be Eucharistic services on Wednesday and Thursday, and there is no Mass on Saturday evening at 6.00 pm.
Soup Lunch
Our next soup lunch is on Friday 10th March from 12.15 to 1.30 pm in the Parish Hall. Please join us for good food and good company. Donations are for the benefit of Fr Paul Bigirwa’s educational initiatives in Uganda.
New to the parish… or new-ish?
Reminder that our New parishioners evening is taking place on Monday 6th March at 8.00 pm
The 10.30 am Mass can be accessed here