
Newsletter: Palm Sunday of The Passion of The Lord

Upcoming events

Easter Garden competition - deadline Thursday 14th April
Unleash your hidden creativity and make an Easter Garden as part of your Holy Week reflections.

It should contain these 5 things: a tomb, a flat stone to roughly cover the entrance to the tomb, a small piece of white cloth to fold and leave inside the tomb, flowers (real or crafted), a line from scripture or a word.

Suggested donation £5.

Lenten Service of music and penance - 11th April 7.00-8.00 pm

The 10.30 am Mass can be accessed here

Click the links below to download the Page, Mass sheet, Mass readings and the Look colour in sheet for the children.

Caroline Estorninho

Newsletter: 5th Sunday of Lent (C)

Upcoming events

Soup Lunch - Friday April 8th; 12.15-2.00 pm
Come and join us for a bowl of soup and some delicious home-made cakes.  £5 per person. All are welcome.
For catering purposes please book a place using the link below.  
Thank you. 

Easter Garden competition - deadline Thursday 14th April
Unleash your hidden creativity and make an Easter Garden as part of your Holy Week reflections.

It should contain these 5 things: a tomb, a flat stone to roughly cover the entrance to the tomb, a small piece of white cloth to fold and leave inside the tomb, flowers (real or crafted), a line from scripture or a word.

Suggested donation £5.

Lenten Service of music and penance - 11th April 7.00-8.00 pm

The 10.30 am Mass can be accessed here

Click the links below to download the Page, Mass sheet, Mass readings and the Look colour in sheet for the children.

Caroline Estorninho