
May I wish you all a very blessed Christmas and Happy New Year. This has been a difficult year for everyone, of lockdown, of opening up, of changing patterns of restrictions, and now the gloomy prospect of further restrictions in the New Year, all of which has sapped the spirit. Despite and beyond this, Christmas is the Festival when the Church celebrates the breaking in of God, ‘now in flesh appearing’, into the world.  The Son broke-in decisively over 2000 years ago, born in that Bethlehem stable. Now God is breaking into our world today. This is the season of hope.

I hope your celebrations, despite all the obvious limitations, will bring you joy and peace, and strength for the year ahead.

May I wish you a very blessed Christmas
Fr Peter

Caroline Estorninho

Newsletter: 4th Sunday of Advent (C)

Mass at Christmas 

We would like to remind you that if you wish to attend either of the two early evening Christmas Eve Masses, at 4 pm or at 6 pm, you will need to reserve places in advance, using the reservation buttons on the website. 

Should your plans change and you find you are unable to come, please do cancel your places by emailing the parish office on stmargaretsonthames@rcdow.org.uk 

The traditional "Midnight Mass", actually called the Mass of the Night, will be celebrated at 10.00pm and preceded by carols at 9:30 pm.   

Bookings are not needed for this Mass or for either Mass on Christmas Day. 

Please remember that facemasks are now mandatory for adults in places of worship, unless you have an exemption. If you feel at all unwell, please do stay at home. 

The 10.30 am Mass can be accessed here

Click the links below to download the Mass sheet, Mass readings and the Look colour in sheet for the children.

Caroline Estorninho