Newsletter: 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
Gathering safely for Mass post 19th July 2021
From the 19th of July all legal restrictions on gathering will cease and we will be allowed to return back to some form of normality. However, we will come back to normal over an extended period of time and therefore there will be necessary protocols for attending Mass at St Margaret’s. My thinking is taken from Professor Chris Witty’s suggestion of wearing masks in indoor spaces or when mandated to by legitimate authority (public transport) or when not wearing masks might cause concern to others.
I do not intend to impose mask wearing for any longer than necessary but I think for the next 6 weeks we should continue in the same way. Alternate benches will be available as of now but more people can sit on each bench.
Celebration of Mass
From 25th of July the congregation will be able to sing if they wish (through a mask). The prayers of the faithful and the offertory collection will return. Distribution of Communion will return to its normal position. I invite parishioners to leave Mass in an orderly way, block by block, using both exits.
Thank you,
Fr Peter
PLEASE NOTE: There will be no Saturday 6.30 pm Mass for the rest of the summer.
The 10.30 am Mass can be accessed here.
Click the links below to download the Page, Mass sheet, Mass readings and the Look colour in sheet for the children.