
Newsletter: 4th Sunday of Lent (B)

Lenten Course
As an aid to our reflection the Parish will be running a weekly 30-minute meeting, offered on Monday evenings at 8:00pm and Tuesday morning from 11:30am to 12:00pm. The Parish will use a series of videos from Ascension Press with Fr Mark Troop on the previous Sunday Gospel. Please go to the upcoming events page on the website to join.

Stations of the Cross
Every Friday Deacon Joseph Estorninho will be leading a zoom Stations of the Cross at 7.30pm. Please click here to join.

The 10.30 am Sunday Mass can be accessed here..

Click the links below to download the Page, Mass sheet, Mass readings and the Look colour in sheet for the children.

Caroline Estorninho

Newsletter: 3rd Sunday of Lent (B)

Lenten Course
As an aid to our reflection the Parish will be running a weekly 30-minute meeting, offered on Monday evenings at 8:00pm and Tuesday morning from 11:30am to 12:00pm. The Parish will use a series of videos from Ascension Press with Fr Mark Troop on the previous Sunday Gospel. Please go to the upcoming events page on the website to join.

Stations of the Cross
Every Friday Deacon Joseph Estorninho will be leading a zoom Stations of the Cross at 7.30pm. Please click here to join.

The 10.30 am Sunday Mass can be accessed here.

Click the links below to download the Page for this week.

Caroline Estorninho

Newsletter: 2nd Sunday of Lent (B)

Lenten Course
As an aid to our reflection the Parish will be running a weekly 30-minute meeting, offered on Monday evenings at 8:00pm and Tuesday morning from 11:30am to 12:00pm. The Parish will use a series of videos from Ascension Press with Fr Mark Troop on the previous Sunday Gospel. Please go to the upcoming events page on the website to join.

Stations of the Cross
Every Friday Deacon Joseph Estorninho will be leading a zoom Stations of the Cross at 7.30pm. Please click here to join.

The 10.30 am Sunday Mass can be accessed here.

Click the links below to download the Page, Mass sheet, Mass readings and the Look colour in sheet for the children.

Caroline Estorninho

Newsletter: 1st Sunday of Lent (B)

Dear Parishioners,

This week saw the beginning of Lent with Ash Wednesday and the collective period of spiritual renewal prior to celebrating Holy Week. This year the Parish Lent is going to have to be online (if not then an extra bonus).

Lenten Course
As an aid to our reflection the Parish will be running a weekly 30-minute meeting, offered on Monday evenings at 8:00pm and Tuesday morning from 11:30am to 12:00pm, starting from next week, Monday 22nd February. The Parish will use a series of videos from Ascension Press with Fr Mark Troop on the previous Sunday Gospel. Please go to the upcoming events page on the website to join.

If you would like to participate may I suggest that you watch the first video in preparation.

Stations of the Cross
Every Friday beginning 19th February Deacon Joseph Estorninho will be leading a zoom Stations of the Cross at 7.30pm. Please click here to join.

Lenten Alms Project
This year the selected charity, after polling last Sunday, is to be the Richmond Furniture Project. Vicky Phelan will be arranging some zoom based fund-raising activities for the project, details in the newsletter.

Lastly over the last month a number of long-standing parishioners have died, Pat Doyle, Bernard Sharratt, and Margaret Tobback all who were heavily involved with the Parish over a long number of years. We stand on the shoulders of their commitment as our generation continues to nurture the parish of St Margaret’s. Please pray for the repose of their souls, and for their families who mourn their death. Please also pray for the mother of Raphael Phelan and for Peta Leddingham who died earlier this week.

May I wish you a fruitful Lent
Fr Peter

The 10.30 am Sunday Mass can be accessed here.

Click the links below to download the Page, Mass sheet, Mass readings and the Look colour in sheet for the children.

Caroline Estorninho