
Dear Parishioners

During an idle moment this afternoon I looked at the chart plotting daylight hours and see that we have all benefited from 20 minutes of extra daylight compared to January 1st. Not much maybe but a very early indication that light is emerging out of the darkness. Now we pray that the COVID statistics move in the same direction. The roll out of the vaccine can give us all hope, but like waiting for the days of spring and signs of new life we must remain patient and place ourselves into the merciful hands of Jesus Christ who has conquered sin and death.

May I highlight some of the activities taking place here at St Margaret’s over the next few weeks that might be of interest to you.

Parish Pub Quiz, Friday, 22nd January, 8:30pm
Back by popular demand the Parish Quiz returns. Sadly, no prizes but if you would to join in a community event please log on through your zoom facility. Click here for the Zoom link.

Children’s Liturgy Alternate Sundays 9:45am – 10:15am
Every fortnight the Parish is running a children’s liturgy and should you wish your child to participate please contact the Parish Office for an activity pack with the materials for three sessions. The new packs will be available shortly and cover the alternate weeks after half-term.

The link to join the Zoom sessions is:

The Parish Confirmation course will begin after half-term (lockdown permitting) and be completed in the summer. If your son or daughter is in Year 9 or above and would like to participate please contact Deacon Joseph Estorninho on josephestorninho@rcdow.org.uk

Enquiry course for those wishing to be received into the Catholic Church
This coming Tuesday, 26th January at 7:30pm Fr Peter will be leading the meetings on becoming a Catholic using material from Alpha and reading through one of the Gospels. If you are interested in participating or might know someone who does please let them know.

The link for the sessions is:

Prayer Course
This Thursday the Parish begins the Prayer Course, along with St Elizabeth’s Parish and St Mary’s University. Peter Astley the presenter will be leading us through different forms of prayer to help us build up our own prayer life.

The meetings start this Thursdays, 21st January, 7:30-8:30pm and please register at https://stelizabethofportugal.churchsuite.co.uk/events/khjxephq

Lenten Alms
This year the Parish will support one charity during Lent and if you would like to present a charity as a possible choice for our collective fundraising please contact the Parish Office for an application form. Applications should be received by Sunday 31st January.

With every good wish
Fr Peter

Caroline Estorninho

Newsletter: The Baptism of the Lord

The Sunday Mass can be accessed here.

Click the links below to download the Page, Mass sheet, Mass readings and the Look colour in sheet for the children.

Heart speaks to Heart' Prayer course January to March 2021
This month St Margaret’s will be joining St Elizabeth's Parish for a course on prayer led by Peter Asprey.

A number of parishioners have already undertaken the course and found it very helpful, and so I thought it would beneficial to offer the repeat course more widely within the Parish. Registration takes place through the St Elizabeth's parish website, click here to register.

I hope that those who choose to participate will be assisted in developing their prayer life. As Catholics it is easy to fall into the temptation that we belong to the Church in terms of cultural identity rather than in see the Church as the place to develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. This relationship is at the heart of the Church's life, and sustains every Parish mission.

Caroline Estorninho