
Newsletter: 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)

The Sunday 10.30 Mass can be accessed by clicking here.

For the children, you can download and print the LOOK, colour-in sheet to find what is in the Gospel today. Please click the links below for both the Look sheet and this week’s copy of The Page.

Although we can now worship in community and receive the blessed sacrament, we must still take precautions to keep everyone safe. One of these is that there should be no singing because of the potential for increased risk of transmission from aerosol and droplets. All the parts of the Mass, which we have been used to singing will now be spoken and the spoken responses during worship should also not be in a raised voice.

This is the last newsletter until September. We wish you a safe and relaxing summer holiday.

Caroline Estorninho

Weekday Mass

Father Peter will be saying Mass this morning at 10.00am. His absence was not COVID-19 related but rather due to a recurring hernia problem. A day’s rest was all he needed.

Thank you.

Caroline Estorninho

Weekday Mass

There will be no weekday Mass this week until further notice. The Rosary group will continue via Zoom and will be lead by Deacon Joseph.

Please keep checking the home page of the website for any updates.

We do apologise for any inconvenience.

Thank you.

Caroline Estorninho

Mass Livestream

We are experiencing technical difficulties with live streaming Mass this morning. Please accept our apologies. We are recording the Mass and will broadcast it on YouTube from 12.00 noon.

Thank you.

Caroline Estorninho