
Some Reminders

As it is Ascension Day tomorrow, Thursday 21st May, there will be no morning Mass at 10.00am but rather a Mass at 5.00pm. The Mass will be live streamed as usual and you can join by clicking on the link below in this email. You can also access the Mass from the home page of the website from tomorrow morning.

A reminder that our third Parish Pub Quiz will be held on Friday 22nd May at 8.30pm. Details to join the Zoom quiz can be found on our website, or you can join by clicking the link below. Everyone is welcome and remember to bring a bottle!

Finally, a few parishioners have reported receiving a very odd email from Father Peter. If you do receive one, it is a scam email. Please ignore and delete from your mailbox. Father Peter would only ever email parishioners using his diocesan account

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Newsletter: 5th Sunday of Easter (A)

Remember our Sunday 10.30 Mass will be live streamed and can be viewed by clicking here. Alternatively you can access the Mass at the following link: http://tiny.cc/041poz

For the children, you can download and print the LOOK, colour-in sheet to find what is in the Gospel today. Please click the links below for the LOOK sheet and also for this week’s copy of The Page..

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Pentecost cards for the residents of Lynde House

The production of the Easter Cards and the matching of helpers to housebound has become part of the attempt to establish some inter-generational contact and thus reinforce the bonds of the Parish community. The present crisis will not last forever and these efforts now point the way the Parish should move in the future when we are allowed back together in church.

Over the next few weeks I would like to ask the children of the parish to create some Pentecost cards for the care home in St Margaret’s Parish, Lynde House. The sign-up sheet that will allocate a residents’ name to a particular child can be accessed through the link below. The details of how to sign-up, what to do and where to deliver the finished card/s are all on the sign-up sheet.

There are approximately 75 residents in Lynde House so this is a mighty project but I am sure one that is manageable.

I have received lots of grateful emails for the Easter cards sent out a few weeks ago. They were all much appreciated by both housebound parishioners and residents in the Care Home in Ham.

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