
Mass times update

Fr Peter has to self-isolate for two weeks prior to an operation on the 8th August. This will involve the following changes to the Mass timetable:

  • The Sunday 6.30 pm Mass will be cancelled for the next three weeks: 26th July, 2nd and 9th August.

  • Fr Carlo from the Sons of Divine Providence will say Mass on Sunday at 8:30am and 10:30am only. For the next two Sundays Fr Peter will say a streamed Mass on Saturday afternoon for broadcast via YouTube at 10:30am on Sunday.

  • There will be no public weekday Masses for the weeks beginning 27th July and 3rd August. Mass will be streamed as before but without a congregation.

  • There will be no streamed Masses for the week beginning 10th August during Fr Peter's recovery.

Thank you for your patience over the next three weeks and Fr Peter apologies for the inconvenience caused.

Caroline Estorninho