
Newsletter: Christmas at St Margaret’s

Mass schedule over Christmastide
Christmas Eve Mass at 5.00pm - this is especially for families and refreshments will be provided in the hall afterwards.

Mass of the Night at 9.30 pm - there will be carols and readings from 9.30 pm and Mass at 10.00 pm (In lieu of Midnight Mass)

Christmas Day Mass at 8.30 am and 10.30 am - Feast of the Nativity

Weekday Mass in the Christmas Octave, week commencing 26th December will be at 12.00 noon.

Feast of the Epiphany on 6th January 2023 at 10.30 am and 6.00 pm (Please note the change of morning Mass time to 10.30 am)


Feast of the Epiphany
Fr Peter and the Parish Pastoral Council invite you to a shared Epiphany supper, after the 6.00 pm Mass on Friday 6th January 2023.

Please sign up in advance to allow us to cater accordingly. There is a signup sheet at the back of church or email your names into the parish office.

Bring a salad, side dish or pudding to share. Cash donations on the night also gratefully received.

Film for children will be shown in the library after the meal.

Helpers are needed for set up/serving food/clearing away – please signup at volunteersignup.org/W9CAY

Saturday evening Mass

There will be no Saturday 6.00 pm Mass during the Christmas break. It will commence again in the new year on 21st January 2023.

Caroline Estorninho