
Newsletter: 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time B

Reintroducing the Offertory Procession
One of the consequences of Covid-19 regulations issued by the Bishops was the suspension of the Offertory Procession. Now is the opportune time to reintroduce the Procession once again. The General Instruction of the Roman Missal states that 'it is praiseworthy for the bread and wine to be presented by the faithful.' No 73. Further mention is made of bringing up the financial offering from the faithful at the same time. 

Bringing up the gifts of bread and wine expresses the full participation of all the congregation in the sacrifice about to be made on the altar. This offering is then presented by the priest as 'my sacrifice (the priest in the person of Christ the head) and your sacrifice (the shared priesthood of all believers, priest and laypeople together) may be acceptable.

Turning this into liturgical practice here at St Margarets, the collection will be taken first while the Deacon/Priest prepares the altar. Once the financial offerings have been collected the baskets are taken up behind those carrying the bread and wine in one procession

The hymn will begin after the collection has started and continue through the procession. This might take a while to become second nature ritually but we will persevere as best we can.   

Fr Peter

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Caroline Estorninho