Welcome to St Margaret’s

Catholic Parish Community in Twickenham

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Welcome to St Margaret of Scotland Roman Catholic Church

This parish serves the Catholic community living in St Margaret’s and beyond, as well as those who choose to make this church their spiritual home. This community aspires to be mission orientated, to share and celebrate our faith in Jesus Christ with others; to offer the hand of friendship as a welcoming community; to see and respond to the suffering flesh of Christ near and far; and to sustain through the celebration of the sacraments the shared purpose and common mind of this faith community

Canon Peter Newby
Parish Priest

Sunday Mass at 10.30 am - 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time C

For the repose of the soul of Vera Morris RIP (Margot Watkins)

Twickenham Repair Cafe hits
2,000 repairs

Thank you to the 55 repairers and support crew for their dedication, positivity and love of solving problems always with big smiles. Since the Cafe opened they have saved over 2.6 tonnes from landfill, 24 tonnes of CO2e and £77k in replacing products. All this while also raising over £2,000 for charity.

Their 1,000 years of combined experience has enabled them to fix almost anything including: iPads, clocks, lawn mowers, coffee machines, clothes, bikes, lamps, ceramics, furniture and even sharpen garden shears! 

We have inspired seven other Cafe opening across South West London and the Cafe is a great nucleus for other projects, most recently collecting over 300 tools for Africa - TWAM.UK

Our customers are always so grateful and there is a wonderful positive vibe in the hall.

Come and share the experience on 3rd Saturday of every month. And for more information please visit our website www.twickenhamrepaircafe.org.

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Mass Times

Monday and Friday - 10.00 am
Tuesday - 7.30 am
Saturday - 10.00 am
Sunday - 8.30 am, 10.30 am (this mass is live-streamed) and 6.30 pm

Funeral Mass for Florence Hubbard RIP
Wednesday - 10.00 am

Eucharistic Service
Thursday - 10.00 am

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
Saturday 10.30-11.00

Saturday - 10.30-11.00 am
Sunday - 10.00-10.20 am

Mass Intentions

Sun 16 Feb - 8.30 am - For you the people
Sun 16 Feb - 10.30 am - Vera Morris RIP (Margot Watkins)
Sun 16 Feb 6.30 pm - Stanislawa Wozniak RIP anniv (Teresa Smith)
Mon 17 Feb - Terry Lockett RIP (Liam and Gretta Gallagher)
Tue 18 Feb - Works of charity in the neighbourhood
Wed 19 Feb - Funeral Mass - Florence Hubbard RIP
Fri 21 Feb - Tom and Terry Martin RIP (Mary Martin)
Sat 22 Feb - Holy Souls in Purgatory (Adrian McGuiness)
Sun 23 Feb - 8.30 am - Veronica McGill RIP (Bernard and Maz Winter)
Sun 23 Feb - 10.30 am - Jose Migloranzi RIP (Lebleu family)
Sun 23 Feb - 6.30 pm - For you the people

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